

Question by  Fresh (11)

What could be wrong if my dog has lumps under his skin and on his muzzle?


Answer by  DogLady4 (28)

It could be nothing serious, like lipomas (fatty deposits). It could also be an autoimmune response to a parasite. It might even be cancer. A veterinary examination is necessary.


Answer by  CoyoteADM (7)

Lumps under the skin can occur in most animals. These can range from a malignant cancer to a simple deposit of fatty tissue. Chances are such lumps are harmless but should be monitored for any signs of threat. Things to look out for are lumps that grow, change shape or color or if the number of lumps increases.


Answer by  mrsshelast (899)

The lumps could be tumors. Exame them carefully, if they are swollen or red in color get your dog to your local vet.


Answer by  crash0708 (83)

One of the most common causes of lumps on the muzzle is an allergic reaction. It could also be a sign of irritation.


Answer by  jlwilson6 (1098)

The lumps could be cysts, or possibly tumors. You will probably need to take him to your local veterinary clinic to be sure. If they are tumors they may need to be removed.


Answer by  prasanth24 (3)

Instead of just treating the symptoms as many dog owners and veterinarians do, the core problem is addressed and eliminated.

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