

Question by  sciencegeekgirl (20)

What could be the lumps on my lab's stomach?


Answer by  srainne (2597)

If they're kind of squishy ball lumps, it could be a benign mass. Large dogs must be prone to them as they get older because I've had a few different types of breeds that all had similar lumps at some point and the vet always told me there was nothing to be concerned about. However, they can remove it.


Answer by  baluga (147)

The lumps could be cancerous, or they could be something totally benign, like certain types of cysts, skin irritations, or reactions to tick or flea bites. You should monitor them to see if they change or go away and consult your vet if they do not improve or worsen within a few days.


Answer by  lpfirman (403)

They could be cysts, simple abcesses (that may need to be lanced) or as serious as malignant (cancerous) tumors. It is best to have a biopsy taken by your vet.


Answer by  mybabyjazz (88)

Lumps on a dogs stomach should be diagnosed by a specialist. Lumps can be lipomas, hematomas, ingrown hair follicles, or even hives.


Answer by  Tabatha (440)

I am not a vet but I think that the lumps could be several things. The lumps could be fatty tumors. They are more common in older dogs and can be removed. The dog could have cysts, which can be drained and tested for cancer. Most cysts are normally benign. Going to your vet is your best bet.

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