It could be anything from a pimple caused by irritation from something that is in contact with your skin. You should check if you have used a new detergent for your clothes or a new kind of body lotion. Those can cause irritations.
There are many reasons one may have tiny bumps appearing on their backs. These symptoms range from, allergic reactions to bug bites. Best to have them checked by your physician.
Usually what will cause them is dirt and stuff that doesn't get removed from the skin when you take your shower and it embbeds itself into your skin all you need to do is get some one to just pop them off from your skin for you or have someone wash your back for you.
ok, I have tiny bumps on my back for 6 days now on both side from lower back to upper back and it itch sometimes and pain a little when i touch it. What could it be? Instead of period is ting bumps on back.