health conditions


Question by  Dianamite (109)

What could be causing sudden sharp pains in my side?

I get them three or four times a day.


Answer by  twstrldy (19)

It could be a sign of your body trying to tell you to take it easy more often. It may be a precursor to heart arrhythmia.


Answer by  vadrfan99 (71)

A number of things may be causing this. For instance, if the pain is on your right side, it could be your appendix. If the pain is on either side, it could be kidney stones or simply an overused muscle in your side. If the pain comes and won't go away, you should go see a doctor quickly.


Answer by  DrYasmin (178)

Sudden sharp pains in body may be due to some chemical changes in body. It may be due to some previous injury.But if its frequent u need to consult doctor.


Answer by  Tealparadise (245)

If they are during physical activity, it could be a stitch. However, there is a chance it is your appendix as well, depending on the location of the pain. There could also be a pulled muscle in your torso.

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