

Question by  srinicse (12)

What could be causing hard, waxy spots on my face?


Answer by  theblip (295)

Are the spots painful. If they are painful they could be small blood hematomas or an infection on your face. I know that some fat collections could be waxy, but they are pretty soft though.


Answer by  ross1976 (196)

Are you a keloid forme?. Keloids can be hard and waxy. They're very difficult to treat though!


Answer by  rjeyanth (194)

I think you have molluscum contagiosum - a kind of viral wart. They produce fleshy and waxy small raised spots on the face. See a dermatologist and get it treated. Sometimes they give a cream and sometimes they prefer to have a short procedure done.

Reply by digmyspace (249):
Yup, the skin doc could kill the molluscum by needling or cryo (something cold to freeze the molluscum to death! )  add a comment

Answer by  notanexpert (199)

Could be whiteheads on your face - almost the same as black heads except for the color. Get a good face scrub done.


Answer by  scarywoodwitch (158)

Eczema or psoriasis are two sound like two of the most common causes of a symptom like that. I would seek a dermatologist and get some prescription medication to heal and sooth the affected area. I am pretty sure that the treatment is similar to what they give a person for Athlete's foot.

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