health conditions


Question by  Yahooosearch (66)

What could be causing bumps on the palms of my hands?


Answer by  DackThrombosis (1093)

The first thing I would consider is allergies. If you're allergic to cats or dogs, did you come into contact with a cat or dog? Another cause could be something that gave you a rash. Perhaps something you ate or drank. I wouldn't worry about this unless the condition persists. Then you might want to see a dermatologist.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

You may have touched something you are allergic too or you are having an allergic reaction to something you ate. You really should see the doctor.


Answer by  Turkinator (29)

Bumps on the palms of your hands could be caused by cold temperatures, or an allergic reaction. Sometimes, exposure to poison ivy can cause an allergy.


Answer by  Elmore (124)

Those are most likely blisters of mild eczema. I wouldn't bother with them unless they become itchy or obtrusive, in which case a doctor can prescribe cream for relief.


Answer by  Anonymous

Ask a doctor! Why trust random strangers on the internet who have no idea what they're talking about or the credentials to answer your question??? Please, just ask a doctor. It could be simple or symptomatic of something more serious. But you won't know unless you ask a doctor!!

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