

Question by  bitsm (37)

What company makes Colgate toothpaste?

Proctor and Gamble?


Answer by  tamkees (3203)

Colgate-Palmolive manufactures Colgate toothpaste. They make and market several other well-known brands, including Palmolive and Ajax dishwashing liquids, Murphy Oil Soap, Speed Stick Deodorant, Softsoap liquid soap, Irish Spring soap, and Skin Bracer and Afta after shaves.


Answer by  MarkWatrous (729)

All of the different varieties of Colgate toothpaste are all manufactured and distributed by the Colgate-Palmolive Corporation. Now, there are several different types of Colgate toothpaste.


Answer by  vicki94 (477)

Colgate toothpaste is make in USA and is made by colgate-palmolive company. This company has a wide range of toothbruses and mouthwashes. Colgate Ribbon is a popular brand that removes tarter and leaves yur mouth refreshed.

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