

Question by  Purrlharbor (42)

What companies import oil from the middle east to the US?


Answer by  SallyJ64 (3121)

OPEC, a colilition of oil producing countries in the middle east sell oil to most oil and gas companies that sell in the US.


Answer by  June13 (14)

Most Middle Eastern oil imported into the US comes from Saudia Arabia. 5 major companies that import this oil are: Shell, Chevron/Texaco, Exxon/Mobil, Marathon/Speedway, and Amoco.


Answer by  patti (29325)

US oil companies rely heavily on imports from the middle east and Venezuela. There is no oil company as yet that gets the majority of its supply domestically.


Answer by  askandyoushallreceive (658)

There are quite a few who do import oil to the US from the Middle East. The main one is Saudi Arabia though. But a few others include Iraq and Kuwait.


Answer by  bitchstewie (489)

Most oil companies import oil from the middle east. The easier question is what companies do not import oil from the middle east. This list is much shorter and includes Sunoco among a few others.


Answer by  xsut (943)

Some of the companies that import oil from the middle east are Saudia Arabia, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, and Iran.


Answer by  cangel818 (981)

The following companies import oil from the Middle East to varying degrees: Amaco, Shell, Chevron/Texaco, Exxon/Mobile and Marathon/Speedway. This amounts to over $18 billion.

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