At what is the iron level that can cause fainting, easy bruising and fatigue?
Can you provide me ratings on Dr Pure Blues guitar Strings?
Does menstruation impact iron levels?
How do you remove iron from swimming pools?
What goes with iron bathroom decor?
What is the deepest cast iron tub on the market?
What is the relation between carbonyl iron and severe anemia?
chemistry color materials
Question by ousideinsider (32)
I thought iron was black but my friend says it isn't.
Answer by cbdave (124)
Like most metals, pure iron is shiny and silver colored. Some metals, like gold or copper, have unique colors; others, like lead, have different textures that affect the apparent colors.
Answer by Bernie (67)
The color that pure iron is silver to grey. If it is black dont buy it! it can be fake! I hope you now know enough about the color of pure iron.
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