pet health


Question by  Lindsay22 (39)

What causes an overbite in rottweiler puppies?

And should I worry about it?


Answer by  katharine (3981)

An overbite shouldn't be anything to worry about, as long as it isn't too severe. Numerous breeds are prone to overbites, they're more a slight "deformity" or "imperfection" than anything else. An overbite shouldn't effect anything about the dog, they usually just look a little bit different than dogs without overbites.


Answer by  adriel (38)

An overbite in a Rottweiler puppy is not something to worry about. If you plan on showing your dog in the future you would want to get the overbite corrected. A vet may recommend to correct an overbite by pulling the two lower baby canines while the jaw continues to grow.


Answer by  tofuturk (581)

An overbite may indicate bad breeding. Do not buy if the parents eyes and hips were not certified by vet. Otherwise a mild overbite will not affect daily life.


Answer by  daddy31 (304)

Overbites in all dogs can be a genetic trait that is inherited from the pup's parents. The second reason could be from the Puppy pulling on objects with great force at a young age before the teeth are permanantly set in the dogs mouth.


Answer by  AlexNikk (14)

Overbite could come from a genetic defect, or could just be the result of growing. There is no treatment available for puppies at this time.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Usually inbreeding if you are keeping it not a big deal if you want to sell it huge problem its a huge defect.


Answer by  Srfingfreak (697)

Overbite could come from a genetic defect, or could just be the result of growing. There is no treatment available for puppies at this time, so the best you can do is just see if they grow out of it.


Answer by  ljubo94 (12)

jes you shod worry about it , ihave a rottweiler to i don't knov das dat help you any way ,if you vant to knov ask a animal doktor about it.


Answer by  DAymett (0)

Some puppies upper and lower jaws grow at different rates. This could just be a phase, or it could be permanent, depending on the age of your puppy. Many overbites in rotties correct by a year old. Be patient, don't panic.

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