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Question by  Jpester (42)

What can you tell me about wax finishing dining tables?

I need to was finish my dining table.


Answer by  janedoe (701)

Wax finish helps protect dining tables and other surfaces from damage. You can wipe off spills and stains more easily and it protects them from chips and scratches. You can apply your own wax finish by going into any hardware/paint store and asking the clerk for brand recommendations.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

First make sure your sealed wood table clean and remove any old wax build up with commercial wax remover. After your table is dried, use a clean dry cloth and a circular motion to apply a thin layer of furniture wax. Allow to dry and then buff. Repeat as necessary.


Answer by  jamyah24 (110)

Helps to protect dining tables and any piece of furniture from damage, you can wipe off spills and stains more easily which helps protect it from chips and scratches. Some of the local hardware and paint stores will be able to assist you in finding the right product.


Answer by  helol25 (680)

Well when you wax your table then it looks more expensive and it stays in better conditions for a long time. It's a great thing to wax your dining table.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Since your dining room table will be used for eating and you will probably put hot dishes on it. I would put a coat of polyurethene on it instead of wax finishing.


Answer by  klypos (271)

You need to learn about French polishing - how to make a "rubber" to apply the polish, and "spirit it off." The antique restorers use "button polish" a lot.

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