


Question by  mooseman (34)

What can you tell me about training a five month old puppy?


Answer by  Rincewind (239)

Puppy of that age can already be trained a lot of things. No matter the age, you should always be patient, reward them a lot in the beginning and never punish them if they don't understand what you want them to do. Make it all seem like a game.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Start by making sure the puppy is potty trained first. Then practice taking him on walks. Once he's good on a leash then you can start teaching him to sit.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

At five months old, a puppy is ready to learn basic obedience. You should enroll the puppy in an obedience class to help get you started with training. Obedience classes are also great places for socialization. If you haven't been socializing your puppy from the time he was young, you really need to get on it now.


Answer by  Tknight (273)

Crate training often works best for puppies, since dogs will not poop or pee in their crate. They will learn to hold it inside, and do their business outside.

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