

Question by  slsweet (45)

What can you tell me about Torbutrol for dogs?


Answer by  LaurenHebbe (300)

Torbutrol is used for dogs as an injection. it can cure a wide range of sicknesses of dogs including but not limited to cronic cough, tonsillitis, tracheobronchitis and pharyngitis.


Answer by  Edward (115)

Torb is a narcotic used for pain relief. There are herbal alternatives. Torb can cause side effects such as lack of appetite, diarrhea, and being lathargic.


Answer by  salina (943)

Not med advice: torbutrol is a pain reliever prescribed by vets to relieve cough in dogs and in cats used for chemotherapy. It is also an injectable pain reliever and should not be administered to pregnant females.


Answer by  rashmi67 (26)

It is pain reliever in dogs that helps to relieve cough in them. It also help soothe the side effects of chemotherapy in cats

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