


Question by  a31nelson (80)

What can you tell me about the people of Pompeii?


Answer by  okaygo (32)

As a ruined city on the cost of Italy Pompeii can no longer claim to be home to anybody outside archaeologist and tourists. In 79 AD Mount Vesuvius erupted destroying the city along with all of it's inhabitants.


Answer by  katyb (131)

Grooves in the roads shows chariots were a popular means of transport. Bakeries ground wheat in devices turned by slaves or asses. There were many temples. Houses varied in size - some were luxurious, some very basic.


Answer by  tamkees (3203)

The Roman colony's culture was similar to ours. Graffiti, including statements of love and political sentiments, was found on many walls. They followed the rhythm of the sun and spent time working and relaxing. Barber shops were gathering places. Archaeologists believe that many wealthier families left before the eruption either because of an economic downturn or because they heard rumblings.


Answer by  Lillian36 (222)

Pompeii was a Roman town, and thus the people of Pompeii were Romans. The Romans of Pompeii were working class.

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