

Question by  JackRussellterrier (3)

What can I expect from a ten key test?


Answer by  knightmare (1231)

Accuracy is the main thing, then speed. Numbers need to be accurate (dollars, inventory) first and foremost, so prioritize that for sure. Practice so it becomes muscle memory.


Answer by  Kay12 (19)

Ultimately, potential employers are looking for speed and accuracy. They will, also, be checking for your ability to perform ten key tasks without having to look at the key pad. They will give you a list of numbers and tasks to perform, which will include all keys. You will be timed and mistakes you made will be counted.


Answer by  jellybelly (8)

It's a lot like using a calculator. You have to use those numbers and the /*-+. on the far right of your keyboard!

You have 50 words left!