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Question by  deakinslens (13)

What can I do if my cat cut its tongue?


Answer by  tofuturk (581)

A cut on the tongue can bleed excessively. A vet can determine if stitches are needed or if surgical glue can be used. The cat will have to be sedated to treat. He may also need antibiotics to treat any possible infection. In rare cases the tongue may need amputation.


Answer by  luckykadm (86)

If your cat cuts it tongue, place her in a quiet room , with clean water, try to avoid giving her any hard dry food until it heals, stay with moist food. If you find she is not eating for a few days or she becomes distressed see your vetrinarian.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

If it doesn't appear to be in pain and it's still eating you can probably just keep an eye on it, otherwise take it to the vet.

posted by Anonymous
my cat doesnt look like its in pain, hes trying to it but at the moment the two peices of tongue get in his way, but ive been feeding him with a needless sringe. but one of the peices of his tongue look dark colored.does that mean its infected?  add a comment

Answer by  sonicfoundation (2597)

If your cat cut its tongue, there is very little you can do other that waiting for it to heal. Feeding your cat liquids for a few days will give the tongue a rest and allow it to heal faster.


Answer by  HilaryC (1382)

It should heal on its own. If it is a large cut (like has severed the tongue in half) take it to a vet or at least call to see whats happened to it. Also make sure it does not get infected so keep an eye on it. Call your vet to make sure about this though.


Answer by  darthjdavis (284)

If there is not a lot of bleeding, just let them be, it will heal on its own. If it is serious, take them to a vet.


Answer by  JaydeesLaydee (523)

Not much except to watch for signs of infection and make sure the injury doesn't interfere with normal eating and drinking due to soreness. A vet can help too.


Answer by  Anonymous

xacscwaeng fhrytfrytttttttthgjnhp;upo'",.


Answer by  Anonymous

The tongue heels faster because the tongue is the strongest mussel in your body, and the spit helps it to because your suck your own blood faster .That is the best answer

posted by Anonymous
thanks a lot whoever wrote this answer. it is the best I got it right. my teacher said that you are the best  add a comment
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