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Question by  a1wessels (17)

What can I do if I have been varnishing oil paint too early?


Answer by  MusicalKate (109)

Well I'm not sure what you can do. Your oil paint will definitely crack later on since you varnished too early. You could maybe put a retouch varnish on it after a few months which may or may not solve the problem but I won't say it works.


Answer by  ClaudiaD (136)

It is recommended to use distilled turpentine, Artist White Spirit or Sansodor to remove the varnish using a lint-free cloth. Change out the cloth often so that the paint and varnish doesn't spread and ruin the painting.


Answer by  Momof3boys (83)

You could try a test in a corner of the oil painting with some paint thinner. Try to lift a tiny bit off with a soft cloth. Wait until the test had dried and see if it is going to work. If it does work in very small sections.

Reply by JoeyT (78):
Wow I think I would take it to a shop to get it done because I would screw it up. Maybe even call and talk to an art restorer at a local museum since they have a lot of experience with all sorts of canvas and oil paint problems.  add a comment
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