


Question by  Sandra23 (29)

What can I do for an oily head?


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

There are shampoos made especially for oily hair. Be careful of the products you use on your hair because they can add to the problem. You may want to take it easy with your hairbrush because brushing will stimulate the scalp and increase oil production. Washing your hair more can also help.


Answer by  justask (132)

To prevent an oily head,limit use of conditioners.Condition scalp only a few times a week. Don't over-stimulate your hair folicles. Excessive brushing will stimulate oil glands in the scalp. Try using baby powder on the roots of your hair to aborb oil between washings.Use powder sparingly.You can also use 2 in1 shampoos.The conditioners in these brands aren't as potent.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do. Wash regularly, but don't over-wash as it'll cause your hair/skin to over-react. For oily hair, you can use a dry shampoo or hair powder. For face and skin, talk to a dermatologist to find a powder/cleaner that diminishes oil.


Answer by  shaemare (66)

Some things you can do for oily hair are change your shampoo and conditioner as well as styling product. You want to find a shampoo and products that are specific for oily hair. You should also increase the how much you shampoo your hair. But at the same time, go lighter on the conditioner, applying mostly to the ends.


Answer by  pennieparisi (148)

Usually they have oily shampoo and conditioner specified for oily hair, and I would recommend a 10 minute miracle by Aussie, it is a great product. Use it as the bottle states. Try to keep a lot of hair products out of your hair because most of them have oil in them and can add to your problem.


Answer by  blrVoice (1054)

Try to avoid any kind of oily food as much as possible. Stop having fast food, as it contains a lot of fat. Wash your head /hair at least twice a week. Use shampoo with lemon juice extracts. Do not use any kind of hair oil. Drink a lot of water.


Answer by  Dropje (86)

The best way is to stop washing your hair has often. Your scalp produces all the oil because you wash your hair too often.

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