
 dogs  pests


Question by  hana (19)

What can I do about poison ivy that my dogs bring back home?


Answer by  mannersandsuch (1796)

If you know that you dog has been exposed to poison ivy put on rubber gloves or even garden gloves and wash them with soap and water before you let them on any carpet or furniture. If they have a rash from it, consult your vet for proper treatment.


Answer by  malone (4817)

Your dog shouldn't be roaming by himself, nor should he be tied up anywhere. He should always be with someone who can assure his safety from traps, poisons, cruel human beings, wild animals and the like. Proper care of your dog will completely eliminate the poison ivy issue.


Answer by  flexwheel (171)

Once on your pet's fur, the irritating oils from poison ivy can transfer to anything your dog touches, including you, your furniture, your carpeting, etc. If you suspect your pet has been in poison ivy, don't let him back in the house without washing him down.


Answer by  beenthere13 (197)

To avoid contamination you should limit your pet's exposure outdoors where known poison ivy is located. If you cannot avoid the area completely, you should make sure to wash your pet thoroughly before handling to avoid the spread of poison ivy that may be on the fur.


Answer by  Zaka (2315)

Do they bring it in their jaws? On their fur? Just fence the dogs in. Do not let them out.


Answer by  janedoe (701)

Get the oil off the dog's fur with a pet-safe shampoo that does NOT say it leave natural oils behind. But protect your dog and don't use it too frequently.


Answer by  DianeF (19)

Contact with poison ivy means your dog needs to be thoroughly scrubbed before coming into contact with people. Removal of the oil will help prevent anyone from contracting the rash.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

If your dogs are roaming free in the woods, that is against the law and they should be behind a fence or other means of security. If the dog is tied, then move him or find some way to get rid of the poison ivy on your property.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

What I would do is figure out where they are getting it and get rid of it that way they can't bring anymore home with them.

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