

Question by  kalyanganjam (31)

What can I do about my pc that is responding slowly?


Answer by  quazex13 (16)

First, defrag the hard drive. Uninstall unnecessary programs as well. Finally, you can add more memory to the PC to make it even faster.


Answer by  bakerdenn (65)

A number of things can cause this. One thing to try is defragmenting the hard disk. To do this, click start -> run -> type defrag c:.


Answer by  zxq (108)

Check for viruses, and check if you have too many opened processes, or some that use very big portion of the cpu, or the ram memory.


Answer by  sonorasun (174)

For a slow responding computer, first run your anti-virus program to remove any viruses. Then run the disk defragmenter to improve the computer's performance.


Answer by  JimSmith (137)

There are a few things you could possibly do. One is run a defragmenter. Another is to just clean up some space on the hard drive.

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