

Question by  Laura14 (51)

What can I do about gnats around my indoor plants?


Answer by  ladybud (1069)

Fly sticky trap's work well. But this won't stop them you got to stop their source of food. These are fungus Gnat's who eat rotted fruit or fungus in the soil.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

Gnats like soggy soil, so make sure your houseplants have a good drainage system. Do not overwater them and if needed, repot your plant. Spray your plants with water and a few drops of dish detergent. If needed, organic sprays are available and other products to get rid of infestations.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Put chamomile flowers next to your plants they repel insects really well the other thing that works pretty well for a repelent are eucolyptus leaves.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

Remove the topsoil around the plant and replace with fresh. Before watering, put a drop or two of Dawn dishwashing liquid in the water. Purchase a fruit/garden insecticide to use.


Answer by  Valentine62 (2131)

First of all, hide any fruit that is out in the open. Gnats are drawn to fruit, such as bananas. Second, spray your plants with soapy water, using dish soap, or place a bowl of soapy water next to your plants. The insects will be drawn to the concoction and drown in the water.


Answer by  DS9Benji (52)

A common method of repelling gnats from indoor plants is to mix a teaspoon of a gentle dish soap such as Dawn with water in a spray bottle, and apply the solution to the leaves of your plant in light quantities.


Answer by  Bernard (69)

Gnats are caused by over watering. Dry areas rarely ever have any gnats at all. Water your indoor plants with garlic water this will help kill the gnats in the potting soil. If they reach the leaves use a mixture of mild dish soap and luke warm water. Mix dish soap at ½ teaspoon to one quart of water.


Answer by  Che (425)

Get a fruit and vegetable insect killer found at gardem amd home improvement stores. You can spray this on house plants safely. It is also a good idea to get rid of the top layer of soil with a spoon and throw it out. That is where the gnats lay their eggs. Don't overwater the plants, gnats love that.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

You can purchase sprays for this problem and you can make your own spray by adding a couple drops of Dawn dish detergent to water. Not overwatering plants is recommended.


Answer by  Kris (797)

These pesky things are actually fruit flies. They love plants that are over-watered or in containers that have poor drainage. Water your affected plants less often if they tolerate that, and re-pot any that need better drainage. Cut off the food supply for the flies by keeping trash bins and garbage disposals clean, and no overripe fruits around.


Answer by  soccer593 (476)

A fogger can be a good way to get rid of them if there are no pets around. Gnats are attracted to vinegar so if you mix a half cup of vinegar with a tablespoon of dish soap they will ingest it and die.


Answer by  m3chladon (38)

Get fly traps at a nearby wal-mart, they work wonders.

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