

Question by  pigalenababe1968 (30)

What can be done for soft tissue injuries in dogs?


Answer by  JenaMae (794)

The treatment for a soft tissue problem varies upon severity and deals primarily with muscle, tendon and ligaments. You can give your dog anti-inflammatory medicine such as aspirin to help with swelling. If you don't see an improvement in three days, surgery might be needed, as the fluid builds up around a joint and must be released.


Answer by  MikeG (1650)

Make sure to clean the wound thoroughly with a soft soap and water. Then you can apply triple antibiotic spray, NOTHING WITH ANY CAINE THIS IS TOXIC!


Answer by  tsuerob (175)

Treating soft tissue damage depends on the severity of the wound, generally an anti-inflammatory medication will help within a few days.


Answer by  kristina31 (305)

The best solution is to have regular checkups with your dogs vet . they will let you know if it gets worse or if its getting better.they can provide medicine.


Answer by  LittleJohn (242)

Soft tissue injuries in dogs are common. Surgery is often indicates to correct the injury or to jump-start healing.


Answer by  Vanessa (387)

The best thing for a soft tissue injury is to clean the injury with a mild soap, wrap it, splint it if needed. Make sure you have a cone for your dog, so he doesn't chew the area and then get him to a vet to make get the dog put on anitbiotics.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Take them to the vet so they can make sure it is clean and not infected they will also give you instructions and pain medication for the dogs.


Answer by  Cindy26 (15)

Dogs, just like humans can have soft tissue injuries. There are many different ways to help your dog if there's a soft tissue injury. Medications, rest and possibly surgery are some ways to correct this problems. This is sometimes a very painful injury so pain medications could help your dog heal faster.


Answer by  daceywatts (73)

First, the dog should be taken to the vet when the injury occurs. Surgery is needed to correct the situation, while rehab and medication will help with the recovery processes.

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