pet health


Question by  murker (11)

What can be done for a dog with acid reflux?


Answer by  Pumpkin1 (201)

One treatment is to withhold all food for a day or two. Then give meals that are low fat and low protein in small frequent meals. Special food from a vet may be required. Avoid anything other than dog food. Occassionally medications may be prescribed that strengthens the gastroesophageal sphincter.


Answer by  Sael (313)

Cimetidine (Tagament), metoclopramide (Reglan), sucralfate, and ranitidine are often used to treat acid reflux symptoms in dogs. Often a vet will start a dog off with metoclopramide before bed.


Answer by  thelostone (1457)

The big question is how you know it has acid reflux. If your dog is showing signs of unexplained pain you should get it checked out by a vet.


Answer by  LouB (294)

A change in diet could be in order. Your vet can prescribe prescription dog food to help with this. If it's an occasional problem, dogs are okay to give them over the counter human medication such as tums. This will help to calm their stomach for the occasional problem with their stomach.


Answer by  PixilatedxMe (103)

I believe veterinarians can do a swab of the throat to check for acidic residue, and then will probably prescribe your dog some stomach medication similar to Mylanta for humans.


Answer by  lmath629 (402)

Speak to your veterinarian about acid reflux in your dog. My dog takes 5mg of Pepsid ground up and mixed in his food twice each day.


Answer by  chespa (82)

A dog that has acid reflux doesn't need to eat dairy. The dog owner should become familor with the ingredients in the dog food that they are feeding thier dogs.


Answer by  ladybud (1069)

Feed the dog calcium supplement's.Also bone's and some pet store simulated bone's pack a lot of calcium that should balance the ph of the stomach acid.


Answer by  Fishtales (373)

A dog with acid reflux could safely be given TUMS. Normally dogs with this issue will cure themselves by eating grass

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