

Question by  Micah (36)

What are the Wiccan holidays?

Can you get out of school for them?


Answer by  Danie86 (294)

There are 8 Wiccan holidays which are Samhain,Yule,Bridgid,Eostara,Beltane,Litha,Lammas,Mabon. Getting out of school for them may be tricky as they're not nationally taken into account for most educational calanders. If you try you may be lucky enough to have your point heard if you do practice them, but the majority usually wins.


Answer by  cami41 (47)

The Winter Solstice is similar to our Christmas holiday. It celebrates the rebirth of our sun. In some states you are allowed to miss school for them.


Answer by  Brian94588 (304)

Wiccans celebrate the summer and winter solstice and the fall and spring equinoxes. They also celebrate Imbolc in February, Beltane in April, Lammas in August, and Samhain in October. Few, if any, schools let students take Wiccan holidays off.

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