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Question by  bh (24)

What are the required skills for high school gymnastics?


Answer by  ppremise (200)

The best skill required for a high school gymnastics team is dedication. You have to have the dedication to show up every day and practice your tumbling, stretching and various equipment routines. Other then that the rest just comes down to practice and motivation.


Answer by  kbowdridge (79)

Each event has it's own skill requirements, but the basics on bars, beam and floor require that you have 4 Medium Skills, 3 Superior Skills and 1 High Superior skills.


Answer by  wehadthought (391)

A general interest in the sport and art of gymnastics, dedication to improving and honing your skills, basic fitness and an elementary level of flexibility. A willingness to learn completes the package.


Answer by  bean11 (2803)

In order to participate in high school gymnastics, you usually have to make it through tryouts. Basic tests included in tryouts are usually high beam tests, handstands, back walkovers, round-offs, and back handsprings. Any special skills or abilities that you have, you can feel free to show the coaches to increase your likelihood of making the team.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well basically you must be able to do backward flips as well as forward flips. You need to be able to do all warm up drills as well. Walking on a pole is good but not required.


Answer by  Anonymous

in gymnastics the up do the skills based on skill level not age for example you could be 16 and in level 4 and that was just an example

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