

Question by  fluffy (21)

What are the major differences between java programming language and any other language?


Answer by  Illi (61)

There are myriads of other programming languages out there. Java is currently one of the most popular. When compared to another popular language "C", Java differs greatly. C is procedural, Java is Object Oriented. C is compiled directly to the target processor architecture, Java needs a virtual machine called JVM to run on. Both have a messy syntax.


Answer by  dx10 (144)

Java is a cross-platform, object-oriented language that utilises a special compiler. The unique aspect of Java is that all code is executed in a 'virtual machine', the idea behind which is that the application cannot overstep its bounds and break something. Once compiled, Java code can be executed on any platform with a compatible Java virtual machine.


Answer by  DeveloperMainiac (15)

I know now 8 different programming languages. Java was the last one I learned, and I regret it. Java is very interesting programming language as it has so many features you can use. Like many other programming languages, it has graphics. The graphics are also very easy to create with java, as it has many features.


Answer by  amberjusm (306)

It depends on the language you're comparing Java to. Java is an interpretive language as opposed to a compiled language, therefore Java will be slower than a compiled language. The advantage of using Java is that it's easier to build GUIs and you don't have to take care of memory management, java does it for you.

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