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Question by  yvonnew (31)

What are the ingredients of a sarsaparilla drink?

Can you still buy it?


Answer by  LexiP (722)

If you're talking about sodas, Sarsaparilla drinks basically contain High Fructose Corn Syrup, carbonated water, some form of coloring, citric acid, and some kind of flavoring. You can still buy it, most notably at Asian markets. Three brands are Hey Song Sarsaparilla, Sarsi, and Zizy. Just as a note, Zizy contains cherry flavor in addition to the Sarsaparilla.


Answer by  kimd (150)

The main ingredient in an original sarsaparilla is sarsaparilla root. The root is very bitter so it was commonly mixed with sugar water or other flavors. It is very difficult to find a place that sells a true sarsaparilla. You can buy the drink in stores but it is mainly made of artifical ingredients.


Answer by  Jenny25525 (708)

They have heavy greens in them and it is hard to buy the drink. You can make it though. There are major recipes online.


Answer by  sonicfoundation (2597)

You can still buy sarsaparilla but it is a specialty drink and hard to find. It is similar to root beer but contains juice of a different root instead.

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