what is


Question by  Terbow (21)

What are the ingredients for a bath bomb?


Answer by  jskell911 (42)

You may want to use a mold for the shape. In a non metal bowl mix together 2 teaspoons unsweetened lemon drink mix (Kool Aid packets) • 1 teaspoon flour or cornstarch 4 teaspoons • ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda • 3-6 drops food coloring • 4 teaspoons baby oil or mineral oil


Answer by  DRS (621)

A bath bomb is a hard mixture of essential oils and salts used to soften and scent your skin when you take a bath. Most include a mixture of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate, which causes them to fizz when submerged in water.


Answer by  Keezy (30)

For a bath bomb you will need a little witch hazel, two parts baking soda, one part citric acid, coloring and fragrance of your choice, and a dome shaped mold.


Answer by  Lordschild (1398)

Baking soda, corn starch, mineral salts, vegetable oil and food coloring can be found at a grocery store. Citric acid and something to use for fragrance can be found at a health or natural food store and you may find dead sea salt there as well. Make sure that anything you use is safe to use on your skin.


Answer by  decomom (923)

There are many variations on bath bomb recipes but the basic ingredients are citric acid, baking soda or cornstarch, witch hazel, coloring, and fragrance.

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