


Question by  dariand (21)

What are the implications of having an out of state warrant for your arrest?

Can the officers from my state arrest me and send me to the other state.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

It depends on the severity. If you get stopped in traffic, you could held. Your license may be suspended. Or, officers may seek, charge and return you to the state.


Answer by  Brittney (1095)

If you commit a crime in the state that you are living in now and get arrested then you can get sent to the other state. The officer that arrested you would do a check on you and if he finds the warrent then he will call the other state. The other state has to come get you themselves though.


Answer by  angiem1981 (1059)

If you have a felony warrant, yes you can be picked up and sent to the other state. However, you will first have an extradition hearing unless you waive it.

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