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Question by  multikittymom (75)

What are the DOT regulations for hauling a camper?

Are there licenses or permits I need to apply for before towing a camper?


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

The camper needs to have proper brake lights on it. The wires will attach the the truck causing the brake likes to come on when you brake the truck. You also need to make sure your camper has a camper license plate.


Answer by  patti (29325)

Although laws vary from state to state, it is likely that state registration and license the required. Taillights must be connected for the purposes of safety.


Answer by  tschu (417)

Anybody with a driver license ia able to tow a standard camper or boat. You just may have some diffrent laws to abide by such as speed limits so watch all of your road signs carefully. Also most toll roads charge extra if you are in tow because they charge by the axle.


Answer by  Chaneygirl (1755)

You do not say which state you are in. Rules on licensing vary by state, it would be best to check with that state before moving the camper. It could be that a one time move wouldn't require a license, but moving every weekend would.

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