reproductive health


Question by  abdul (29)

What are the different types of testicle infections?


Answer by  nursepractitionerlisa (793)

There are simple bacterial infections, or spillover bacterial infections from the prostate, or rare fungal infections. Cancer is not an infection but is an inflammation.


Answer by  MedStudent01 (1131)

The major ones include epididymitis, mumps, and orchitis. Epididymitis and orchitis are caused by bacterial infections. Epididymitis and orchitis are often caused by chylamidia trachomitis or gonorrhea, both sexually transmitted diseases. However, non-STD bacteria can also cause these two conditions. Mumps is caused by a virus and usually occurs in kids. A urine test can screen for these conditions.


Answer by  Donn214 (8)

The main testicular infection is Epididymitis. This is an infection in the Epididymis that leads to inflammation of the area. Usually caused by a bacteria. The Epididymis is a long tube approximately 20 feet in length, located in the back of the mans testicles. This is the spot where sperm matures.


Answer by  primatefreak (1616)

The two most prevalent types of testicular infections are epididymitis and orchitis. Orchitis infection is caused by gonorrhea, chlamydia or mumps. All infections involve pain. Testicular cancer has continuous pain.

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