Animated, Action, Comedy, Action-comedy, Farce, Spoofs, Satirical ,Western, Urban, Documentary, Mocumentary, Childrens, Political, Thriller/Suspence, War, Hisorical, Fantasy, Horror, Science fiction, Musical, Romance, Romantic Comedy, Indoctrination, Period (set in a different time), Mystery. Many can be a combination of any of these. ie musical-comedy.
There are so many ones, but the main ones are : Adventure, Action, Comedy, Horror, Drama, Historical/Documentary, Science-Fic. War, Romantic, Western, Childrens, Families etc...
There are all sorts of types of movies. Lots of movie genres. They range from comedy to romance to drama to action. There's also horror and sci-fi movies.
the different types of movies are action,adventure,comedies,crime and gangster films,drama films,epics/historical films,horror,musical/dance films,war,animation,thrillers,sci-fi,fantasy, romance,and etc.
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