
 plants  yard


Question by  prabhu (17)

What are the correct steps when caring for a ficus plant?

I have a new ficus and have no idea how to care for it.


Answer by  babalu (177)

There are three things to watch out for with a ficus - water, light and pruning. Watering a ficus is easy; Keep it wet, but allow the top two to three inches of soil to dry out between waterings. Bright indirect light is best. To prune a ficus, cut off dry or dead twigs and remove any yellow leaves.


Answer by  patti (29325)

A ficus can take a lot of abuse. Let the soil dry slightly between watering. Feed twice a year. Prune as needed. Provide indirect (no hot, direct) sunlight.


Answer by  plantgal (23)

Ficus like bright, but indirect light. Make sure to keep it away from any drafts as this will cause the leaves to drop. Ficus plants enjoy humidity, so mist it regularly. Water thoroughly when you do water, but don't allow the soil to stay constantly wet.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well, you just need to water it on a daily basis. Don't use too much water. Let it be cultivated often.


Answer by  ca1111 (95)

Be sure to put the plant where it will receive plenty of light and make sure to water the plant every week. Also prune the tree in early spring.


Answer by  informant31 (510)

You should keep your ficus plant in an area that recieves bright sunlight. The ideal temperatures for a ficus plant should be between 50 to 80 degrees fahrenheit. Use a spray bottle to mist the plant early in the mornings. Repot the plant once every 1 - 2 years.


Answer by  TPinkie81 (10)

As with all plants, a ficus needs sunlight, water, and care. The best start would be trimming any dead areas of the plant.


Answer by  Bobinski (1652)

Ficus plants are very hardy. They need bright sunlight but not direct. More light, more water. Keep soil moist. It is normal for leaves to fall off.

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