

Question by  ethan (17)

What are the common uses for terramyicin?


Answer by  mjdoldan (46)

It is used to control infections caused by both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, such as typhus or rickettsias pox (caused by rickettsias), ornithosis, psittacosis os vibriosis, among others.


Answer by  mouscelia (170)

Terramycin is used to treat bacterial eye infections. It does not work if your infection is viral. It may be used to treat pinkeye or any other kind of bacterial infection.


Answer by  kds23 (61)

Terramyicin is a drug used to treat infections of the eyes. It contains two antibiotics called oxytetracycline & polymyxin, which stop the growth of bacteria in the eye. It ONLY works on bacterial infections, not viruses and mycobacteria. As always, please, consult your doctor!


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

You will have to talk to your doctor about what are the uses of it. The doctor would be able to tell you more about it. Best of luck to you.

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