How can I record different tracks of live music on my computer?
How can you record the sounds you hear on a laptop?
How do you define a composite USB device?
How do you use a DVD recorder and Stereo VCR with digital tuner to record on channel whle you watch another channel?
What could be the cause of a Windows Microphone not recording?
What is a device manager?
Question by bahistafemme (17)
How does the Sony RDR GX 330 rate?
Answer by KellyRichardHensler (18)
The Sony RDR GX 330 rates only medium in world of top recording devices. The dbx 700 digital audio recorder is the best money can buy.
Answer by LeonMMA (496)
well ... i think that the sony rdr gx 330 is the best recording device ever , i simply love it
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