

Question by  khalsa (27)

What are the achievements of Alexander the Great?


Answer by  elb (1105)

At the time of his birth, the city-states of ancient Greece had just been joined into one empire. Alexander extended this Empire by defeating all of Persia; he died preparing to conquer Arabia. He strengthened the Greek Empire and, more important, spread Greek culture throughout the ancient world.


Answer by  danpersand (246)

He started out as ruler of the tiny greek providence of Macedon. Through a series of stunning military victories, he eventually controlled almost all of the world known to him. He conquered all of Greece and Egypt, and even defeated the mighty Persian Empire, which was the largest empire in the world at the time.


Answer by  bojanchrgmailcom (69)

Territorial expansion of Macedonia, creation of Macedonian Empire, succesful Balkan Campaign, defeating the Greeks, conquest of Persia, conquest of Egypt, conquest of India, the Great Marriage of Nations, succesful utilisation of Phalanx troops, conquest of Asia Minor, conquest of Syria, Assyria and Babylon, untying the Gord knot, effective strategy and tactics - many succesful battles against outnumbering enemies...

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