pet health


Question by  KingJohn (61)

What are symptoms of heart worms?


Answer by  pepperdots (26)

There aren't any really good symptoms for heartworms. A perfectly normal looking dog could have them. If you are on a heartworm preventative and have not missed more then a dose or two, you should be fine. If you are worried, get a heartworm test.


Answer by  herzog (555)

Heavy heartworm infection can produce a soft cough as they interfere with the function of the heart, but light infections are symptomless as far as I know. That is why you have to test the blood.


Answer by  kleerose (20)

the symptoms shown by the dog we had to put to sleep had started out, according to his owner, with not being interested in food or play. The owner said he first noticed trouble when his dog stopped eating and spent more time than usual laying in his dog bed.

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