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 dogs  how to


Question by  danceur (210)

What are some ways to teach your dog tricks and how to obey?


Answer by  katmandu (190)

First, do everything with repetition and patience, until the routine is learned. Use small treats, putting them by your mouth as you give the command. Use a firm voice, but not loud. The dog will focus on the treat and your words. Reward each small improvement with praise as well.


Answer by  One (83)

The best way to teach your dog is to train, guide them and be patient. Tell them what to do, by using keywords so they will know what you are talking about (Sit, beg, etc). Praise, pet and reward them when they do what you want them to do.


Answer by  Rincewind (239)

The best way is to start teaching your dog through games you play together and go easy/patiently. Always have in mind YOUR dog and discover to what he is responding best. Never teach him more than 10-15 minutes at a time.


Answer by  brittany89 (56)

To teach your dogs tricks you will need some dog treats and a tons of patience in order to train your dog. Then put the treat above the dogs face and say sit! ,down! ,up!. Anything else you would like to teach them,just command it!


Answer by  crazyangel72 (115)

When teaching a dog anything, repetition, praise, and rewards will keep the dog on track. Short, one word commandsand hand movements work well when training.


Answer by  JAM87 (111)

Dogs can be very motivated by food or toys. find out what your dog is motivated by and repeat the command,when your dog does the command, reward him/her. repeat.

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