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Question by  fransoisI1 (11)

What are some tips for running scandisk from boot disk?

When is this recommended?


Answer by  Peter1563 (265)

This is recommended when you suspect one or more of your hard disks to have bad sectors - that is, corrupted data. Running this program at boot will allow it to search for and find where there may be a problem and attempt to fix it. It's also a good idea to run this periodically just in case.


Answer by  vinod12 (6)

The scandisk option in computer is to repair the bad sectors of the hard drive.If your computer shuts down accidentally your computer may not start up normally.And your system will prompt for disk check.And you can type chkdsk in command prompt to run the scandisk.


Answer by  Chronos (11)

On a modern PC, you shouldn't need to run scandisk from a floppy; this is handled automatically on startup if the computer was not shut down correctly. If you're running an older system (such as Windows 95 or MS-DOS), you can run it about once a month but don't always need to use a floppy disk.


Answer by  mooman2679 (1018)

Usually you want to run scandisk whenever your system has had an error or a sudden shutdown. The type of shut down I'm referring to is a power outage or turning off your computer by just pressing the power button. Scandisk will try to correct the errors for you.


Answer by  mlcolosimo (5)

Scandisk is run by booting to DOS and running the command "chkdsk". Do this if you have problem booting your system due to a bad sector on a hard drive.


Answer by  gigo (1706)

The easiest way would be to generate boot disks over your os and copy scandisk or a scandisk derivate on it afterwards. If you can not do that easily, you can alternatively download bootdisk images over the internet. Look for addresses like freepctech or bootdisk. Both you can find under the domain.


Answer by  charu (23)

Run anti virus, back up everything before booting,with safe mode,to remove temporary files from c drive scandisk should run before defrag.


Answer by  fishlover49 (643)

Always make sure to run the boot disk in safe mode. Serious damage could be done if you don't. The other thing is only run the boot disk if you are having serious computer issues that a regular defragment or virus scan will not solve. The boot disk is not for everyday issues.

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