

Question by  Mark24 (23)

What are some signs of Ipecac abuse?


Answer by  patti (29325)

Ipecac is an emetic: it makes you throw up. People who throw up a lot as a means of weight control, will eventually have a lot of damage to their teeth as the enamel is eroded. Most of the damage is internal and not visible to the naked eye. Myopathy and eventual death are the greatest risks.


Answer by  MHugabom (523)

Ipacac abuse would indicate bulimia. Frequent trips to the bathroom after meals, odor of vomit, changes in the appearance of teeth, unexplained weight loss. Some bulimics will hoard to avoid trips to the bathroom, so containers of vomit may be hidden as well.


Answer by  YellowCup (1650)

Ipecac is a syrup that induces vomiting so vomiting more will be a sign. Another sign a person abusing ipecac will have is extreme weight loss and,the weight loss is normally rapid. They will become anemic because they are losing important nutrients, the anemia will cause them to be pale and weak.


Answer by  worker2746 (2434)

Frequent vomiting, decay of the throat lining and stomach lining as well as enamal decay on your teetch are all signs.


Answer by  RRGKK (412)

Abuse of ipecac is a serious issue. Common signs include weight loss, excusing oneself to the bathroom for periods following a meal, and in extreme cases degradation of the teeth, including loss of teeth. Please seek medical attention, possibly mental health services, for the suspected abuser.

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