pet health


Question by  eiagaaf (13)

What are some signs of head trauma in cats?


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

The cat would be reluctant to have its head touched, and the cat may experiences sickness and be off its food.


Answer by  vex (117)

Some symptoms include disequilibrium causing an ataxic, or drunken, gait. In addition, dilation of pupils can occur, along with the partial protrusion of the third eyelid.


Answer by  Kris (797)

If no physical signs are present, note whether the eye pupils are the same size, or react normally to light. If not, this is a medical emergency. See vet immediately.


Answer by  jbon (18)

Distinguish head trauma of a concussion in cats by a skewed head, dilated pupils, seizure, rigid limbs, vomiting, and a bleeding nostril and/or ear canal.

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