

Question by  DrPill (24)

What are some reliable back-up solutions?


Answer by  thiefraccoon (266)

most reliable back-up for personal use will be a protected external hard drive, from a well-known brand such as Seagate or iomega.


Answer by  JP (48)

The most reliable, in my opinion, is to use an external hard drive to back up everything you have. You can do it weekly, monthly, or whenever you want, with no worries!


Answer by  Tim55 (618)

the maxtor one touch is a very reliable, one button solution. Also the ribbit frog backup is a good one also. Auto backups or manual backups.


Answer by  talktobobby (49)

very first thing is to use external hard disks or write all the data on some CD/DVDs. Send all the data attached with email or take print out of same data.


Answer by  roshanmohammad (11)

the most back up solution its to protected us... while going somewhere we should aware of the fact the at any time anything can happen to that individuals... so as per my knowledge is concern the best back up solution is to protect our self by known one else just we can protect us

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