

Question by  Lynn72 (20)

What are some possible causes of a rash on my hands?


Answer by  harycat (84)

There are MANY possible causes, so see a dermatologist. But two likely possibilities are allergies to something you touched or irritation (e. g. to cleaning fluids).


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Allergic reaction can cause rashes. Make sure you are not over using hand lotion or hand sanitizer, they can cause a dry rash.


Answer by  dfpogo (30)

It could be due to contact with a poisonous or caustic irritant, or something to which you are allergic. The good news is that most "contact dermatitis" is treatable.


Answer by  Phil75 (87)

It is possible that you have a hereditary disease called pulmonia, a light dermal scarring spread from family members through time. A topical creme may be of effect.

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