

Question by  kanthaa (14)

What are some of the more popular cognitive learning theories?


Answer by  Starfish (214)

Some important names and concepts: Jean Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development, (through assimilation and accommodation): sensorimotor (infancy), pre-operational (early), concrete operational (elementary), formal operational (adolescents-adults). Lev Vygotsky's Social Development Theory with more knowledgeable peers and a Zone of Proximal Development; Jerome Bruner's Three Modes of Representation, enactive, iconic, and symbolic.


Answer by  Dunastu (6)

Experiential learning combined with the principles of J. Bruner which implies 3 cognitive processes (acquisition ,transforming and testing information), Tolman(the organization of the mental representations), Bandura(coding then using the behavior with a success rate) and Skinner (the link between stimulus and response).The gestaltist model focuses on the cognitive structures activated in the process of learning


Answer by  falsetto (62)

Piaget's theory of learning, social facilitation, modeling,observational learning and social learning theory are popular theories in this field that are widely used.

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