home remedies


Question by  kay (20)

What are some home remedies for red, swollen eyelids?


Answer by  ruth27 (56)

Keep hydrated and lower your salt intake. Place cold compresses like wrapped ice, cold teaspoons and milk soaked cotton wool on top of the closed eyelid. Natural sources include cold tea bags, potato, apple or cucumber slices acting as a detoxification for the eye aiding pain and inflammation.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

Keeping a warm or hot, damp cloth on the eyes will help bring out any conjunctivitis and help with swelling. See your doctor if it persists more then couple days.


Answer by  msbee (484)

It is best to keep some type of compress on your eyes, whether it be a warm damp hand towel or aromatics. Place herbal tea bags into a mug of warm water and allow to soak for a couple minutes, remove bags and rest on eyes warm or allow to cool for a refreshing remedy.


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

Make sure to clean your face paying attention to gently cleaning around your eyes. Oatmeal soap is very gentle for washing your face. Avoid wearing makeup.

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