reproductive health


Question by  pumpkin (32)

What are some good ways to go about treating genital sores?


Answer by  xazurianx (330)

Treatment is based on the nature of the sore, many of which require a prescribed medication. Have the sores examined before self-treating to prevent misdiagnosis from your doctor.


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

If you have not been diagnosed with herpes you need to be tested. If you have herpes a prescription drug called acyclovir is effective in most cases.


Answer by  GreenTema (223)

First, stop having unprotected sex, genital sores are a sign of an STD, don't spread it! Next, invest in carmex, that does the job for the V. D.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

You might have an underlying condition and you should see your doctor for treatment in that area. If it itches anti-itch cream will work. but see a doctor.

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