

Question by  ram00910 (29)

What are some good summer jobs for 16 year olds?


Answer by  pigalenababe1968 (30)

Fast food restaurants, construction companies, amusement parks, local farms, and of course they could be euntrepenueres and open their own business like window washing service, babysitting, housekeeping, lawn care.


Answer by  kristun999 (18)

Jobs such as cleaning duty at a fast food restaurant or working at a movie theatre. And of course, there is always mowing grass.


Answer by  TLynn (34)

Working at a movie theater or mall, working at a day camp for kids, working at a water park or amusement park.


Answer by  diane41 (309)

A good job would be to be an assistant camp councelor, a babysitter or maybe to deliver newspapers. Sixteen year olds can also do odd jobs for the elderly.

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