


Question by  KateEidson (33)

What are some good stretches to do before playing softball?


Answer by  Mac44 (479)

Softball is not overly hard on a person's body, but it is still important to stretch all of your muscles. Stretch your hamstrings for the running, but more importantly, stretch your arms because of all the throwing and hitting. Pull your arm across your chest and hold it and pull your arm behind your back and hold it.


Answer by  Kurt (4579)

It is a good idea to stretch your throwing arm and legs before a softball game. Throw softly and then gradually increase distance and velocity. Stretch legs by running.


Answer by  JT34 (68)

Very good stretches for your arm would be used with resistant bands. Go through a slow throwing motion. Also take a little jog the spread ur feet and try to grab your right ankle with both hands for about 10 seconds. Then switch.


Answer by  alz (2329)

Softball is a workout not only for your arms, but for the whole body, so make sure you stretch your arms, quads, back and hamstring muscles. A good arm stretch is holding your elbow back behind your head. It is always important to stretch so you don't pull anything during practice or the game.

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