

Question by  elsewhen (627)

What are some good jobs for a teenager?


Answer by  gleverance (720)

Fast food cashier, retail stores like Walmart, construction labor, babysitting, movie theaters, food server. But if they have a specific interest, then they should look for any entry level position that can teach them more. Never to early to start focusing on a long range career, if they are really focused.


Answer by  Philliprokks (32)

I would suggest working at a grocery store as a bag boy or person that collects the buggies. You can also try wait, walmart and many more. Good Luck


Answer by  Lindsay22 (39)

If you are a teenager the best place to work would be a public library or a bookstore. These are places that accept students and also look good on resumes. I would avoid working in fast food unless you have no other choice.


Answer by  mstngpam (304)

For boys the best jobs would be a bag boy, any kind of lawn care and clean out someone's garage. Depending on the individual a caddy would be the ultimate. For females it would be, baby sitting, grocery shopping for the elderly, and a great one would be the shampoo girl at a trendy upscale salon.

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