
 beauty  food


Question by  Melissa72 (167)

What are some foods that will improve your appearance?


Answer by  suzyq16 (47)

Fruits high in water content will improve your appearance. Water is a natural solvent that is used in the body to flush out impurities. Watermelon, grapes, and many other fruits will help to cleanse your body.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

Take lot of raw vegitables;They will give shining skin.If you eat green leaves especialy 'ponankanni'and 'karisilanknni'leaves raw you will have young look even at the age of 60.Should take lot of juicy items.Eat papaya,cucumber and black original grapes to make you look smart.


Answer by  babilot (158)

Water is the all around best thing to improve your appearance. For the skin, it flushes out all the oils and gives it a glow. It also improves your hair. Helps with lessening the oiliness we sometimes get. Water is all the body needs to be its best.


Answer by  worker54 (75)

Apple, peach, honey,cherry,pineaple, lemon, egg white, milk and belt fish will make your skin healthy and smooth; sesame seed will make your hair shining; beef and shitaki mushroom will make your bone stronger.


Answer by  maggie711 (285)

For a woman it's simple, just appear at his door with a beautiful, warm from the oven, apple pie. For a man, it's also easy, appear at her door with a bouquet of flowers.


Answer by  whoareyou (3483)

The absolute best thing you can ingest to have healthy, clear skin, is water. Look for a water with NO minerals or additives. Also, taking a Vitamin E supplement pill can help your over all skin, hair, and nail appearance.

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